Sunday, August 18, 2013

A little taste of Japan

Hi guys! So this post is not going to be a beauty/fashion post but its very special to me. So around December I was going through a tough time with depression and such. Didn't have to many friends at the time and felt very lonely. At that time, they offered my mom a foreign exchange student to come live with us for a few months. When I heard this I told my mom she had to say YES! Maybe she can be my best friend and it could be a really cool experience. My mom decided to accept the offer, but we had to pick a girl from tons of different countries. I've always loved the Japanese culture, the music, the food, and the anime. So we decided on a japanese girl! I was soo excited and couldn't wait to tell everyone but for some reason we kept it down low... don't know ask my mom but before we knew it she arrived.
Her name is Akane Yanagisawa. She is from Tokyo, Japan. She is 16 years old and going to be a Junior in high school. Soo that means she's coming to school with me and Im super excited! I cant wait for her to experience America! I think its just because I know how she feels coming to a different country speaking little english...i think overall i want her to have a better experience than I did haha.

 2nd Day in Utah
Let me just tell you that she has a big desire to learn english and the culture here. She is enthusiastic in everything we do. She always wants to be doing something, eating american food, and getting to know us we took her swimming with us!

3rd Day in Utah 
We decided to go to the state capital to show her around Salt Lake City. It was my first time also coming up to the capital so we got to share that experience together haha we also went to temple square but didn't take pictures ):

4th Day in Utah
We showed her what we do on Sundays...which is nothing but still good right? She really wanted to cook for us today so she made us some soup! Miso Soup...don't know what it is, smelled good so I tried it. Very VERY different soup, lots of seaweed and spices combined. But overall our family loved the food. So we made her try some guacamole..not really american but mexican haha she loved it. Good Sunday it has been.

Akane keeps me busy 24/7. Teaching her english and the foods that we eat here and her teaching me about Japan. I've learned SOO much in the last 4 days shes been here and I cant wait to learn even more. She came at the time I needed a friend and I am soo grateful for her. Im going to share my senior year with her and I literally cant wait for school. So far this year has treated me with love (: cant wait!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Back To School Beauty!

Hello there!
So this is my very first beauty blog! (Woohoo! super pumped!). Coming up with a beauty blog isn't as easy as it looks like, there's the photography involved, the product, and editing. Im sorry if this post doesn't really come in handy to you guys but these products have helped me TONS! All of these products you can buy them at any drugstore near you. I just want to share some beauty products that are really worth buying for school this year. So here they are!

Rimmel London
Scandaleyes Curve Alert
This mascara does miracles to my lashes. Its light-weight, it has a big brush, and it curls your lashes! I use this mascara because I have to curl my lashes all the time and when I put these on, they curl perfectly. If I put any mascara on my lashes, they will instantly loose their curl. So if your lashes are just like mine that wont curl whatsoever, then I extremely suggest this mascara. We want long curled lashes right?

Physicians Formula Mineral Wear
Medium Complexion Kit
I cannot express my love for this kit. The kit comes with a Pressed powder, blush, and bronzer. First of all, I tried this for the very first time today and Im in love! Once you put them on, it literally looks like you don't have make-up on. If you have big visible pores like me, this powder covers it right up. AND it has SPF 30 AND its 16 hour stay...pretty good Id say

Maybelline New York
Baby Lips "Cherry Me"
Ill just make it short and quick on this one. Moisturizing lip balm that has a red tint to it. So now you don't have to worry about wearing that heavy lipstick. You can have soft, red lip balm! it also says on the package its 8hr moisture and I assure you its true. And it tastes like cherry so don't be afraid to kiss that one guy (; 

Lip balm "Mint"
This lip balm is amazing. It comes as a sphere (big so you cant loose it). Its a really good chapstick for school. It lasts up to 4 hours. It makes your lips ULTA SOFT and it tastes like mint haha. Its a really good product that is going to last you for a long time sooo get it!

L'Oreal Paris
Nail Colors
L'Oreal Paris has (in my opinion) the best nail-polish. They come in soo many colors its crazy. They have bright colors, nudes, pastels, and hautes. They dry really fast and have the best shine. I just really love them...they have the best colors for a drugstore nail-polish. These 3 are my favorites! Red to feel grown up, blue to give your nails a POP, and a soft pink for a casual day. They're really good. Believe me and go buy some!  

Dolce & Gabbana
Refreshing Body Cream "Light Blue"
You're going to want some lotion when that cute boy tries to hold your hand right? this is the lotion! AMAZING smell...more of the sporty kind of scent. Its a really lightweight "refreshing" cream for sure.  If you want to smell like a goddess at school. THIS IS IT! its on the more expensive side but its really worth your money.

 Burt's Bees
Facial Cleansing Towelettes
I've tried many make-up wipes and they work, but not as good as these. These wipes take off %100 of your make-up. It does kinda have a weird smell to them but the cleansing that they have is perrrfeccctt. I think this is a product that every girl should have. At night, when you're tired from school and your activities and you don't feel like washing your face, this is your life saver. It will only take you 2 minutes to take everything off. The smell is the only downside but other than that, great product!

I hope you guys liked the post, all of these products will seriously help you. School is only a week away so you want to look your best for your friends and for them boys (; 
Stay classy xx 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fashion Blogging? What?

Hello best friend!
So I haven't blogged since new years....its been FOREVER!! A lot of things happened these past 7 months. I got my appendix removed, I've gone to New York, Las Vegas, California, and adventurous parts of Utah. I also think that i changed...LOTS. I finally decided what i wanted out of life. I was in a dark place last winter but after my appendix incident, I realized I was being really ungrateful. And thats where i changed.
One of the biggest problems that I had was what Im I going to be when I grow up? this question used to scare me so bad. BUT I finally figured it out. I've always had a love for fashion. Sounds really girly but its true! I started buying more and more magazines such as TeenVouge (My personal favorite). The more i saw the models, the editors, the high fashion, the more i wanted to be part of it. But I realized that its not all fashion...MAKEUP! Yes I am now a fashion junkie. There was also hair styling involved. For some while i thought about being a hairdresser. I love hair, i love touching it, styling it, washing it, smelling it haha but i didn't want to do that for the rest of my life. Realizing my passion for fashion (heh that rhymed) i want to go shopping all the time. different accessories, paring clothing items that would never work out, to me its heaven.
But i've known this for the past 6 months? but I just hate telling people about this. People look at me weird when i say this to them. This is my passion and i feel like i can go far in life with this profession. Theres no schools for fashion in Utah (what a surprise) so hopefully i move to Cali, or NY. And I dont want people thinking less of me because I want to go into fashion. But haters gonna hate right? overall i just dont want to choose a profession thats normal. A doctor, a dentist, a manager. Even though they earn the big bucks, I want to do something exciting with my life. I dont want to be Normal. With fashion, I can make people beautiful, i can make art.
Even though Im not taking 4 AP classes, I think that I can be just as successful as the people that do. They do intimidate me but Id rather be me than follow...does that make sense?
So starting next week, this blog will be a fashion/makeup/beauty blog. But also once in a while posts like these. Ill be posting blogs every Sunday and hopefully you guys will like it.
